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Create an RSS feed (or multiple feeds) for your Gatsby site.


npm install gatsby-plugin-feed

How to Use

// In your gatsby-config.js
module.exports = {
  plugins: [
      resolve: `gatsby-plugin-feed`,
      options: {
        query: `
            site {
              siteMetadata {
                site_url: siteUrl
        feeds: [
            serialize: ({ query: { site, allMarkdownRemark } }) => {
              return allMarkdownRemark.nodes.map(node => {
                return Object.assign({}, node.frontmatter, {
                  description: node.excerpt,
                  date: node.frontmatter.date,
                  url: site.siteMetadata.siteUrl + node.fields.slug,
                  guid: site.siteMetadata.siteUrl + node.fields.slug,
                  custom_elements: [{ "content:encoded": node.html }],
            query: `
                  sort: { order: DESC, fields: [frontmatter___date] },
                ) {
                  nodes {
                    fields { 
                    frontmatter {
            output: "/rss.xml",
            title: "Your Site's RSS Feed",
            // optional configuration to insert feed reference in pages:
            // if `string` is used, it will be used to create RegExp and then test if pathname of
            // current page satisfied this regular expression;
            // if not provided or `undefined`, all pages will have feed reference inserted
            match: "^/blog/",
            // optional configuration to specify external rss feed, such as feedburner
            link: "https://feeds.feedburner.com/gatsby/blog",

Each feed must include output, query, title, and serialize. You’ll need to write the serialize function in order to fit your use case.

match is an optional configuration, indicating which pages will have feed reference included. The accepted types of match are string or undefined. By default, when match is not configured, all pages will have feed reference inserted. If string is provided, it will be used to build a RegExp and then to test whether pathname of current page satisfied this regular expression. Only pages that satisfied this rule will have feed reference included.

link is an optional configuration that will override the default generated rss link from output.

All additional options are passed through to the rss utility. For more info on those additional options, explore the itemOptions section of the rss package.

Check out an example of how you could implement to your own site, with a custom serialize function, and additional functionality.

Note: This plugin only generates the xml file(s) when run in production mode! To test your feed, run: gatsby build && gatsby serve.

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