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The default Gatsby sitemap plugin generates a simple blob of raw XML for all your pages. This advanced sitemap plugin adds more power and configuration, generating a single or multiple sitemaps with full XSL templates to make them neatly organized and human + machine readable, as well linking image resources to encourage media indexing.



NOTE: This plugin only generates output in production mode! To test, run: gatsby build && gatsby serve



npm install --save @auratiger/gatsby-plugin-advanced-sitemap-reworked

How to Use

By default this plugin will generate a single sitemap of all pages on your site, without any configuration needed.

// gatsby-config.js

siteMetadata: {
    siteUrl: `https://www.example.com`,
plugins: [



If you want to generate advanced, individually organized sitemaps based on your data, you can do so by passing in a query and config. The example below uses Ghost, but this should work with any data source - including Pages, Markdown, Contentful, etc.


// gatsby-config.js

plugins: [
        resolve: `@auratiger/gatsby-plugin-advanced-sitemap-reworked`,
        options: {
             // 1 query for each data type
            query: `
                posts: allSitePage(filter: {path: {regex: "//posts.*/"}}) {
                    edges {
                        node {
                            slug: path
                            url: path
                categories: allSitePage(filter: {path: {regex: "//categories.*/"}}) {
                    edges {
                        node {
                            slug: path
                            url: path
            // The filepath and name to Index Sitemap. Defaults to '/sitemap.xml'.
            output: "/custom-sitemap.xml",
            mapping: {
                // Each data type can be mapped to a predefined sitemap
                // Routes can be grouped in one of: posts, tags, authors, pages, or a custom name
                // The default sitemap - if none is passed - will be pages
                posts: {
                    sitemap: `posts`,
                    // Add a query level prefix to slugs, Don't get confused with global path prefix from Gatsby
                    // This will add a prefix to this particular sitemap only
                    prefix: 'your-prefix/',
                    // Custom Serializer 
                    serializer: (edges: any) => {
                        return edges.map(({ node }: any) => {
                            return {
                                node: {
                                    id: node.id,
                                    slug: node.slug,
                                    url: node.url,
                                    updated_at: node?.pageContext?.date, // updated_at || published_at || created_at
                                    cover_image: node?.pageContext?.image, // cover_image || profile_image || feature_image;
                categories: {
                    sitemap: `categories`,
                    serializer: (edges: any) => {
                        return edges.map(({ node }: any) => {
                            return {
                                node: {
                                    id: node.id,
                                    slug: node.slug,
                                    url: node.url,
            exclude: [
                /(\/)?hash-\S*/, // you can also pass valid RegExp to exclude internal tags for example
            createLinkInHead: true, // optional: create a link in the `<head>` of your site
            addUncaughtPages: true, // optional: will fill up pages that are not caught by queries and mapping and list them under `sitemap-pages.xml`
            additionalSitemaps: [ // optional: add additional sitemaps, which are e. g. generated somewhere else, but need to be indexed for this domain
                    name: `my-other-posts`,
                    url: `/blog/sitemap-posts.xml`,
                    url: `https://example.com/sitemap.xml`,

Example output of ☝️ this exact config 👉 https://gatsby.ghost.org/sitemap.xml

Develop Plugin

  • Pull the repo
  1. Install dependencies
yarn install

Build Plugin

yarn build

Run Tests

yarn test

API Reference

serialize ⇒ object

receives: object[] - - Array of objects representing each page

Param Type Description
edges object this function receives the result of the executed queries

Returns: object[] - - Array of objects containing the data needed to generate the sitemap urls

Return Object Type Description
id string page path
url string page path
slug string page path
updated_at / published_at / created_at string Optional: string representing when last the page was updated
cover_image / profile_image / feature_image object Optional: object representing a single image
pageImages object[] Optional: Array containing multiple images to be linked for the page
Image Object Type Description
path string image path
caption string Optional: caption describing the image, similar to alt tags.


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