Community Plugin
View plugin on GitHub@alexjorgef/gatsby-source-discogs
Source playlists from Discogs into Gatsby.
npm install @alexjorgef/gatsby-source-discogs
How to use
Add the plugin to your gatsby-config
module.exports = {
plugins: [
resolve: `@alexjorgef/gatsby-source-discogs`,
options: {}
Plugin Options
api_token (required)
Your Discogs API token. Create an account on Discogs, go to Settings > Developers to register an app and copy the API token.
Field type: String
resolve: `@alexjorgef/gatsby-source-discogs`,
options: {
api_token: `YOUR_API_TOKEN`,
username (required)
Your Discogs username.
Field type: String
resolve: `@alexjorgef/gatsby-source-discogs`,
options: {
username: `alexjorgef`,