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Gatsby Theme WordPress Starter

This is a gatsby theme using WordPress as source and allowing to build a standard blog. See the live demo


-This theme uses GraphQL API to source WordPress content. Therefore the source WordPress site must use the WPGraphQL plugin.


To use this theme in your Gatsby sites, follow these instructions:

  1. Install the theme

    npm install --save @alexadark/gatsby-theme-wordpress-blog


    yarn add @alexadark/gatsby-theme-wordpress-blog
  2. Add the theme to your gatsby-config.js:

    module.exports = {
      plugins: [
      resolve: `@alexadark/gatsby-theme-wordpress-blog`,
      options: {
        wordPressUrl: `http://alexandraspalato.com/webstantly/`,
        postsPrefix: `posts`,
        postsPath: ``,
        paginationPrefix: `blog`,
        postsPerPage: 8,
  3. Start your site

    gatsby develop


wordPressUrl - source site.

postsPath - the path for your posts, let it empty if you want them as home page in your WordPress installation if you want the blog as home page, then make sure to not have any page with slug ‘home’. if you want the blog to another page, then create a custom link in your menu, with the postsPath as url (example : /blog), and make sure to not have any page with slug = postsPath create a page with slug: ‘home’ in this case

paginationPrefix - the prefix of the pages




  • 2 levels menu
  • pagination on posts page
  • categories, tags and users
  • Works with twenty nineteen theme to have the right menu location

How to contribute

This is a WIP and any contribution, feedback and PRs are very welcome. Issues is a preferred way of submitting feedback, but you can also email to alexaspalato@gmail.com.

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