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Gatsby Days LA Workshop: Gatsby 101 (Half-Day)

Sunday, February 2, 9am - 1pm @ Convene on S Grand Ave

Gatsby 101 - Half-Day Workshop

In this workshop, we’ll cover the basics of how to build fast, accessible sites with Gatsby. You’ll learn the ins and outs of creating Gatsby sites, from selecting a starter or theme, using GraphQL to generate data, deploying your site, and more!!

Register for the Intro to Gatsby workshop.

In this workshop, you’ll learn

  • How to set up a basic Gatsby site
  • When to use a plugin vs starter vs theme
  • How to use GraphQL to generate a data layer available to your site’s components
  • How to import components in Markdown with MDX
  • How CSS and nested layouts work in Gatsby
  • How to deploy your site

What prerequisites skills do you need? Prerequisites include HTML, CSS and JavaScript basics, and some experience with Git.

What hardware/software do you need? Bring a Mac or Windows computer with a text editor, Node, and Git installed. We’ll provide a repository you can use to practice and follow along. Otherwise, you can start something from scratch.

Workshop Instructors Brittney Ball is a Software Engineer on Gatsby’s Learning team. Throughout the years Brittney has made it her mission to pave the way for other people trying to create a better future through Tech. She has hosted the Charlotte Devs JavaScript Study Group Meetup to help developers solve challenges and give to the community. She has also organized events for Girl Develop It and QC Bytes to mentor other women in tech. Her goal is to pay it forward and help people see that you don’t have to go the traditional route to be successful. As long as you want it, you can achieve it!

Aisha Blake is a Senior Software Engineer on Gatsby’s Learning team. She’s currently building Title of Conf, a musical tech conference. She also supports her community by co-organizing self.conference and Detroit Speakers in Tech.

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