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Building Cabrillo College’s Drag-and-Drop Gutenberg + Gatsby Site

Cabrillo College, with 12,000 students, is the main community college serving Santa Cruz County in northern California. When Cabrillo was looking to rebuild their website, they wanted to use modern technology, deliver a scalable solution, and most importantly, capture the Cabrillo experience by empowering faculty and administrators responsible for its groups, departments, and institutions.

Sam Bhagwat
Sam Bhagwat March 23rd, 2021

Case Studies, cms-driven-landing-pages, nonprofits-and-education, wordpress

London’s Royal College of Art Goes Virtual with Gatsby

Diem.com: Unlocking Creative Velocity with Gatsby + Headless WordPress

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Creating a Content Marketer’s Paradise

Upping the Scorecard: Commonwealth Fund goes from dense to delightful with Gatsby

Building Eviction Free NYC with GatsbyJS + Contentful

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