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[Cloud Update] Gatsby Cloud Now Supports Bitbucket

Dan Giordano
June 3rd, 2021

Screen_Shot_2021-06-03_at_10.12.59_AM.pngWe’re excited to have our second announcement this week on enabling even greater access to Gatsby Cloud with the addition of support for another login and Git provider! Today, Gatsby is officially launching support for Atlassian Bitbucket, enabling the thousands of development teams who use the enterprise-leading Git provider to quickly and easily build, preview, and deploy Gatsby sites.

With the new support, any Gatsby website that is stored in a Bitbucket repository can be quickly connected and launched via Gatsby Cloud. After connecting your Bitbucket instance, Gatsby Cloud will automatically build the website, render a preview URL so your team can collaborate and give feedback, and then deploy it to our global edge network for blazing fast performance.

You can read more here about launching your site from Bitbucket.

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