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Introducing Headless WordPress with Gatsby Cloud (Live Preview, Incremental Builds, and more!)

Hashim Warren
July 7th, 2020

Today we are excited to announce that Gatsby’s new source plugin for WordPress has launched in beta!

This new release delivers major improvements to our headless WordPress integration with Gatsby and Gatsby Cloud. Checkout these updates in the demo video below to see how your content editors’ creative powers will be amplified through near-instant publishing and live content previews, thanks to Incremental Builds — available only on Gatsby Cloud! — and Gatsby Preview.

Now you can adopt Gatsby for your agency or organization’s most ambitious web projects and empower your content editors with a familiar publishing workflow!

New Features

The new source plugin for WordPress gives you the following enhanced developer and content editor experience:

  • Preview content as you write it with Gatsby Preview
  • Update or publish new content almost instantly with Incremental Builds, available only on Gatsby Cloud
  • Links and images within the HTML of content can be used with gatsby-image and gatsby-link. This fixes a common complaint about the original source plugin for WordPress.
  • Limit the number of nodes fetched during development, so you can rapidly make changes to your site while creating new pages and features
  • Only images that are referenced in published content are processed by Gatsby, so a large media library won’t slow down your build times
  • Any WPGraphQL extension automatically makes its data available to your Gatsby project. This means your site can leverage popular WordPress SEO, content modeling, translation, and ecommerce plugins through a single Gatsby source plugin.

How to start using the new WordPress source plugin

Follow the steps below to bring Gatsby Preview and Incremental Builds to your Gatsby/WordPress project:

  1. Get the source plugin and its dependencies from the Gatsby repository: https://github.com/gatsbyjs/gatsby-source-wordpress-experimental
  2. Add WPGraphQL and WPGatsby to your WordPress installation. These two free WordPress plugins will turn your site into a GraphQL server, and enable Gatsby Preview.
  3. Build your project with Gatsby Cloud, and enjoy near instant content publishing speeds. Please see the full Gatsby Cloud + WordPress documentation for more details.
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Full Stack Marketer, writing copy and code - https://www.configmag.com

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