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Gatsby source plugin for Google Cloud Platform Storage

How to install

npm i gatsby-source-google-storage


  1. Create a GCP Service Account with the role of “Storage Object Admin”.
    Console Link
  2. Add a new Key of type JSON. The file will automatically download to your system. Save to your Gatsby project root. Do not add to your static folder.
  3. Add plugin to gatsby-config.js
    The signedUrl expiration property of this plugin is based upon build time, not real-time access; therefore, always ensure to set your expiration at a time later than the your next planned build.
// In your gatsby-config.js
plugins: [
		resolve: 'gatsby-source-google-storage',
		options: {
			projectId: 'my-project-name',
			keyFilename: path.resolve('my-service-account-credentials.json'),
			buckets: ['bucket-name-1', 'bucket-name-2'],
			expiration: Date.now() + 1000 * 60 * 60, // optional, default one-hour

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